Apartments are applicable to buildings with 5 or more units.
The calculators presented are not an official Olympia, Tumwater or RFA product. They do represent the best interpretation of the plan as described by the RFA as of 12/3/22.
Note that the calculations follow an unusual procedure: Instead of calculating the value of the structure based on its total square footage, the benefit charge is based on the average of the units. The formula provided by the city reads, "...first the total square feet of the complex is divided by the number of units to produce an average unit square footage. That figure is then inserted into the formula resulting in an average Benefit Charge (BC) for each unit. This average is then multiplied by the number of units to get the total BC to be collected from the parcel owner."
Example: 10,200 s/f apt with 10 units = Average unit of 1,020 s/f
10,200 s/f apt assessment without unit level calculations = $1,557.59
1,020 s/f apt = $492.55 x 10 units = $4,925.52
Because of the regressive effect of using the square root in the calculation by the average unit's s/f, this will greatly increase the cost to apartment residents.